Este vídeo diz só por si mesmo!
sábado, 29 de março de 2014
sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014
Noé, um grande filme
9 E Deus abençoou Noé e seus filhos . E ele lhes disse: Frutificai e multiplicai , e enchei a terra .
2 E deixe o medo eo pavor de vós esteja com todos os animais da terra , e sobre todas as aves do céu , e tudo o que se movem sobre a terra : todos os peixes do mar são entregues em sua mão.
3 E cada coisa que se move e vive será carne para você : mesmo como a erva verde tenho entregue todos eles para você :
4 Salvando que a carne com sangue , não comereis .
5 Porque vou exigir o sangue de suas vidas nas mãos de todos os animais , e, ao lado do homem, na mão de cada homem, e de seu irmão, vou exigir a vida do homem .
6 Todo aquele que derramar o sangue do homem , o seu sangue será derramado; porque o homem foi feito à imagem de Deus.
7 Mas você aumentar e multiplicar , e ir sobre a terra, e preenchê-lo .
8 Assim também disse Deus a Noé, ea seus filhos com ele ,
9 Eis que eu estabelecerei a minha aliança convosco e com a vossa descendência depois de vós :
10 E, com toda a alma vivente , que está convosco , assim em todas as aves como em bovinos e animais da terra , que estão vindo para fora da arca, e em todos os animais da terra .
11 eu estabelecerei a minha aliança com você, e toda a carne não será mais destruída com as águas do dilúvio , e não haverá, de agora em diante um dilúvio para devastar a terra .
12 E disse Deus : Este é o sinal do pacto que dou entre mim e vós, e de toda a alma vivente , que está convosco , por gerações perpétuas .
13 Porei o meu arco nas nuvens , e ele será o sinal da aliança entre mim e entre a Terra .
14 E quando eu cobrir o céu com nuvens, o meu arco aparecerá nas nuvens :
15 E eu me lembrarei da minha aliança convosco e com todo ser vivente que dá carne e lá não haverá mais águas do dilúvio para destruir toda a carne.
16 E o arco estará nas nuvens , e eu vou vê-lo, e deve lembrar da aliança eterna , que foi feita entre Deus e toda a alma vivente de toda a carne que está sobre a terra.
17 E Deus disse a Noé : Este é o sinal do pacto que tenho estabelecido entre mim e toda carne sobre a terra.
18 E os filhos de Noé que saíram da arca, foram Sem, Cham, e Jafé , e Cham é o pai de Canaã .
19 Estes três foram os filhos de Noé : e destes foi toda a humanidade se espalhou por toda a terra .
20 E Noé, um lavrador , começou a cultivar a terra e plantou uma vinha .
21 E beber o vinho foi feito bêbado, e foi descoberto em sua tenda.
22 E, quando Cham o pai de Canaã tinha visto , a saber, que a nudez de seu pai foi descoberto , ele contou a seus dois irmãos que estavam fora .
23 Mas, Sem e Jafé colocar um manto sobre os seus ombros , e indo para trás, cobriram a nudez do seu pai , e os seus rostos estavam virados, de maneira que não viram a nudez de seu pai.
24 E Noe despertar do vinho, quando ele tinha aprendido o que seu filho mais novo tinha feito com ele,
25 Ele disse : Maldito seja Canaã , servo dos servos será de seus irmãos.
26 E ele disse : Bendito seja o SENHOR Deus de Sem, ser Canaã por servo.
27 Deus possa ampliar Jafé , e que ele possa habitar nas tendas de Sem, e Canaã por servo.
28 E viveu Noé , depois do dilúvio 350 anos :
29 E todos os seus dias estavam em toda a 950 anos , e morreu .
9 And God blessed Noe and his sons. And he said to them: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth.
2 And let the fear and dread of you be upon all the beasts of the earth, and upon all the fowls of the air, and all that move upon the earth: all the fishes of the sea are delivered into your hand.
3 And every thing that moveth and liveth shall be meat for you: even as the green herbs have I delivered them all to you:
4 Saving that flesh with blood you shall not eat.
5 For I will require the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast, and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man, and of his brother, will I require the life of man.
6 Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God.
7 But increase you and multiply, and go upon the earth, and fill it.
8 Thus also said God to Noe, and to his sons with him,
9 Behold I will establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you:
10 And with every living soul that is with you, as well in all birds as in cattle and beasts of the earth, that are come forth out of the ark, and in all the beasts of the earth.
11 I will establish my covenant with you, and all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the waters of a flood, neither shall there be from henceforth a flood to waste the earth.
12 And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I give between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations.
13 I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a covenant between me, and between the earth.
14 And when I shall cover the sky with clouds, my bow shall appear in the clouds:
15 And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that beareth flesh: and there shall no more be waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.
16 And the bow shall be in the clouds, and I shall see it, and shall remember the everlasting covenant, that was made between God and every living soul of all flesh which is upon the earth.
17 And God said to Noe: This shall be the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh upon the earth.
18 And the sons of Noe who came out of the ark, were Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and Cham is the father of Chanaan.
19 These three are the sons of Noe: and from these was all mankind spread over the whole earth.
20 And Noe, a husbandman, began to till the ground, and planted a vineyard.
21 And drinking of the wine was made drunk, and was uncovered in his tent.
22 Which when Cham the father of Chanaan had seen, to wit, that his father's nakedness was uncovered, he told it to his two brethren without.
23 But Sem and Japheth put a cloak upon their shoulders, and going backward, covered the nakedness of their father: and their faces were turned away, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
24 And Noe awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him,
25 He said: Cursed be Chanaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26 And he said: Blessed be the Lord God of Sem, be Chanaan his servant.
27 May God enlarge Japheth, and may he dwell in the tents of Sem, and Chanaan be his servant.
28 And Noe lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years:
29 And all his days were in the whole nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.
quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2014
sábado, 8 de março de 2014
Come, ye thankful people, come
Come, ye thankful people, come;
Raise the song of harvest home.
All is safely gathered in
Ere the winter storms begin.
God, our Maker, doth provide
For our wants to be supplied.
Come to God's own temple, come;
Raise the song of harvest home.
Raise the song of harvest home.
All is safely gathered in
Ere the winter storms begin.
God, our Maker, doth provide
For our wants to be supplied.
Come to God's own temple, come;
Raise the song of harvest home.
All the world is God's own field,
Fruit unto his praise to yield,
Wheat and tares together sown,
Unto joy or sorrow grown.
First the blade, and then the ear,
Then the full corn shall appear.
Lord of harvest, grant that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be.
Fruit unto his praise to yield,
Wheat and tares together sown,
Unto joy or sorrow grown.
First the blade, and then the ear,
Then the full corn shall appear.
Lord of harvest, grant that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be.
Vinde, povo agradecido, venha;
Levante a canção da colheita para casa.
Tudo está reunido com segurança em
Ere as tempestades de inverno começar.
Deus, nosso Criador, é a garantia
Para os nossos desejos a serem fornecidos.
Venha para o próprio templo de Deus, venha;
Levante a canção da colheita para casa.
Levante a canção da colheita para casa.
Tudo está reunido com segurança em
Ere as tempestades de inverno começar.
Deus, nosso Criador, é a garantia
Para os nossos desejos a serem fornecidos.
Venha para o próprio templo de Deus, venha;
Levante a canção da colheita para casa.
Todo o mundo é um campo próprio de Deus,
Fruto para o seu louvor a ceder,
Trigo e joio juntos semeada,
Unto alegria ou tristeza cresceu.
Primeiro a lâmina, e, em seguida, o ouvido,
Em seguida, o grão cheio deve aparecer.
Senhor da colheita, concede que nós
Grão saudável e puro pode ser.
Fruto para o seu louvor a ceder,
Trigo e joio juntos semeada,
Unto alegria ou tristeza cresceu.
Primeiro a lâmina, e, em seguida, o ouvido,
Em seguida, o grão cheio deve aparecer.
Senhor da colheita, concede que nós
Grão saudável e puro pode ser.
sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014
Sorriso Belo!
Seu sorriso cria um impacto imediato , subconsciente , visual sobre as pessoas que se encontram. Um sorriso brilhante dá a impressão de juventude , vitalidade, saúde radiante , felicidade e calor . Um sorriso brilhante é percebida como um sorriso saudável.
Não se esqueça de consultar um dentista da Jodonto para saber qual tratamento de branqueamento é melhor para você. Clareamento dos dentes continua sendo uma das formas mais econômicas para melhorar o seu sorriso.
Sorrisos são valiosos.
Praticamente todos os adultos (99,7%) acreditam que um sorriso é um importante ativo social. 96% dos adultos acreditam que um sorriso atraente torna uma pessoa mais atraente para os membros do sexo oposto.
Três quartos (74%) dos adultos sentem um sorriso feio pode machucar a chance de uma pessoa para o sucesso na carreira.
E quando os entrevistados foram perguntados : " O que você gostaria de melhorar mais sobre o seu sorriso ? " A resposta mais comum foi : dentes mais brancos e brilhantes.
Se você não está feliz com seu sorriso, clareamento dos dentes pode ser um bom primeiro passo.
Causas de Descoloração de Dente
Dentes de bebês são mais brancos do que normalmente os dentes adultos que aparecem mais tarde. À medida que envelhecemos , os nossos dentes adultos , muitas vezes tornam-se mais escura , amarelada ou manchada. Isto é em parte porque os dentes brancos fazem as pessoas parecerem mais jovens.
Assim como há um número de maneiras de aliviar ou branquear os dentes , também existem várias maneiras diferentes de dentes para ficar sem cor . As principais causas de dentes escurecidos são a genética , antibióticos, e certos alimentos , além de dentes tendem a escurecer com a idade . Descoloração do dente interno é causado por alterações no esmalte do dente e a dentina . As principais causas da descoloração dos dentes internos são a exposição a altos níveis de flúor , tetraciclina, uso de antibióticos como uma criança , distúrbios do desenvolvimento , a cárie dentária , restaurações , problemas endodônticos , e trauma.
Descoloração dos dentes externa é causada por fatores externos do corpo , principalmente alimentos e tabaco . As principais causas de amarelamento dos dentes externo são o tabagismo , alimentos com taninos , café, chá , cenouras , laranjas e outros alimentos.
Tipos de Clareamento Dental
Existem várias maneiras de clarear os dentes, mas as duas mais comuns são o tratamento no consultório e a abordagem faça-você- mesmo, com os produtos de balcão
Não se esqueça de consultar um dentista da Jodonto para saber qual tratamento de branqueamento é melhor para você. Clareamento dos dentes continua sendo uma das formas mais econômicas para melhorar o seu sorriso.
Sorrisos são valiosos.

Praticamente todos os adultos (99,7%) acreditam que um sorriso é um importante ativo social. 96% dos adultos acreditam que um sorriso atraente torna uma pessoa mais atraente para os membros do sexo oposto.
Três quartos (74%) dos adultos sentem um sorriso feio pode machucar a chance de uma pessoa para o sucesso na carreira.
E quando os entrevistados foram perguntados : " O que você gostaria de melhorar mais sobre o seu sorriso ? " A resposta mais comum foi : dentes mais brancos e brilhantes.
Se você não está feliz com seu sorriso, clareamento dos dentes pode ser um bom primeiro passo.
Causas de Descoloração de Dente
Dentes de bebês são mais brancos do que normalmente os dentes adultos que aparecem mais tarde. À medida que envelhecemos , os nossos dentes adultos , muitas vezes tornam-se mais escura , amarelada ou manchada. Isto é em parte porque os dentes brancos fazem as pessoas parecerem mais jovens.
Assim como há um número de maneiras de aliviar ou branquear os dentes , também existem várias maneiras diferentes de dentes para ficar sem cor . As principais causas de dentes escurecidos são a genética , antibióticos, e certos alimentos , além de dentes tendem a escurecer com a idade . Descoloração do dente interno é causado por alterações no esmalte do dente e a dentina . As principais causas da descoloração dos dentes internos são a exposição a altos níveis de flúor , tetraciclina, uso de antibióticos como uma criança , distúrbios do desenvolvimento , a cárie dentária , restaurações , problemas endodônticos , e trauma.
Descoloração dos dentes externa é causada por fatores externos do corpo , principalmente alimentos e tabaco . As principais causas de amarelamento dos dentes externo são o tabagismo , alimentos com taninos , café, chá , cenouras , laranjas e outros alimentos.
Tipos de Clareamento Dental
Existem várias maneiras de clarear os dentes, mas as duas mais comuns são o tratamento no consultório e a abordagem faça-você- mesmo, com os produtos de balcão
quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014
Find a dentist in Sorocaba and Itu
Traumatic Dental Injuries
If you have a dental emergency here in Sorocaba or in Itu,
Call now at (15) 99145 8802 (Sorocaba) (11) 99618 - 4988 ( Itu ).
Traumatic dental injuries often occur in accidents or sports-related injuries. Chipped teeth account for the majority of all dental injuries. Dislodged or knocked-out teeth are examples of less frequent, but more severe injuries. Treatment depends on the type, location and severity of each injury. Any dental injury, even if apparently mild, requires examination by a dentist or an endodontist immediately. Sometimes, neighboring teeth suffer an additional, unnoticed injury that will only be detected by a thorough dental exam. Endodontists are dentists who specialize in treating traumatic dental injuries. With their advanced skills, techniques and technologies they can often save injured teeth. If you have a cracked or injured tooth, find an endodontist near you right away!
What is endodontic treatment?
Who performs endodontic treatment?
How will my injury be treated?
Do traumatic dental injuries differ in children?
Will the tooth need any special care or additional treatment?
What is endodontic treatment?

“Endo” is the Greek word for “inside” and “odont” is Greek for “tooth.” Endodontic treatment involves the inside of the tooth.
traumaticinjuries00To understand endodontic treatment, it helps to know something about the anatomy of the tooth. Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, and creates the surrounding hard tissues of the tooth during development.
The pulp extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the roots where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. The pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and development. However, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp, because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.
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Who performs endodontic treatment?
All dentists, including your general dentist, received training in endodontic treatment in dental school. General dentists can perform endodontic procedures along with other dental procedures, but often they refer patients needing endodontic treatment to endodontists.
Endodontists are dentists with special training in endodontic procedures. They provide only endodontic services in their practices because they are specialists. To become specialists, they complete dental school and an additional two or more years of advanced training in endodontics. They perform routine as well as difficult and very complex endodontic procedures, including endodontic surgery. Endodontists are also experienced at finding the cause of oral and facial pain that has been difficult to diagnose.
How will my injury be treated?

Chipped or Fractured Teeth
traumaticinjuries01Most chipped or fractured tooth crowns can be repaired either by reattaching the broken piece or by placing a tooth-colored filling. If a significant portion of the tooth crown is broken off, an artificial crown or “cap” may be needed to restore the tooth.
If the pulp is exposed or damaged after a crown fracture, root canal treatment may be needed. These injuries require special attention. If breathing through your mouth or drinking cold fluids is painful, bite on clean, moist gauze or cloth to help relieve symptoms until reaching your dentist’s office. Never use topical oral pain medications (such as Anbesol®) or ointments, or place aspirin on the affected areas to eliminate pain symptoms.
Injuries in the back teeth often include fractured cusps, cracked teeth and the more serious split tooth. If cracks extend into the root, root canal treatment and a full coverage crown may be needed to restore function to the tooth. Split teeth may require extraction.
Dislodged (Luxated) Teeth

traumaticinjuries02During an injury, a tooth may be pushed sideways, out of or into its socket. Your endodontist or general dentist will reposition and stabilize your tooth. Root canal treatment is usually needed for permanent teeth that have been dislodged and should be started a few days following the injury. Medication such as calcium hydroxide may be put inside the tooth as part of the root canal treatment. A permanent root canal filling will be placed at a later date.
Children between seven and 12 years old may not need root canal treatment since their teeth are still developing. For those patients, an endodontist or dentist will monitor the healing carefully and intervene immediately if any unfavorable changes appear. Therefore, multiple follow-up appointments are likely to be needed. New research indicates that stem cells present in the pulps of young people can be stimulated to complete root growth and heal the pulp following injuries or infection.
Knocked-Out (Avulsed) Teeth

If a tooth is completely knocked out of your mouth, time is of the essence. See an endodontist or dentist immediately! Handled the knocked-out tooth very gently, avoiding touching the root surface and follow these steps to protect the tooth.
Your endodontist or dentist will carefully evaluate the tooth, place it back in its socket and examine you for any other dental and facial injuries. A stabilizing splint will be placed for a few weeks. Depending on the stage of root development, your dentist or endodontist may start root canal treatment a week or two later. A medication may be placed inside the tooth followed by a permanent root canal filling at a later date.
The length of time the tooth was out of the mouth and the way the tooth was stored before reaching the dentist influence the chances of saving the tooth. Again, immediate treatment is essential. Taking all these factors into account, your dentist or endodontist may discuss other treatment options with you.
Root Fractures

traumaticinjuries05A traumatic injury to the tooth may also result in a horizontal root fracture. The location of the fracture determines the long-term health of the tooth. If the fracture is close to the root tip, the chances for success are much better. However, the closer the fracture is to the gum line, the poorer the long-term success rate. Sometimes, stabilization with a splint is required for a period of time.
Do traumatic dental injuries differ in children?
Chipped primary (baby) teeth can be esthetically restored. Dislodged primary teeth can, in rare cases, be repositioned. However, primary teeth that have been knocked out typically should not be replanted. This is because the replantation of a knocked-out primary tooth may cause further and permanent damage to the underlying permanent tooth that is growing inside the bone.
Children’s permanent teeth that are not fully developed at the time of the injury need special attention and careful follow up, but not all of them will need root canal treatment. In an immature permanent tooth, the blood supply to the tooth and the presence of stem cells in the region may enable your dentist or endodontist to stimulate continued root growth.
Endodontists have the knowledge and skill to treat incompletely formed roots in children so that, in some instances, the roots can continue to develop. Endodontists will do all that is possible to save the natural tooth. These specialists are the logical source of information and expertise for children who are victims of dental trauma.
Will the tooth need any special care or additional treatment?
The nature of the injury, the length of time from injury to treatment, how your tooth was cared for after the injury and your body’s response all affect the long-term health of the tooth. Timely treatment is particularly important with dislodged or knocked-out teeth in order to prevent root resorption.
Resorption occurs when your body, through its own defense mechanisms, begins to reject your own tooth in response to the traumatic injury. Following the injury, you should return to your dentist or endodontist to have the tooth examined and/or treated at regular intervals for up to five years to ensure that root resorption is not occurring and that surrounding tissues continue to heal. It has to be noted that some types of resorption are untreatable.
If you have a dental emergency here in Sorocaba or in Itu,
Call now at (15) 99145 8802 (Sorocaba) (11) 99618 - 4988 ( Itu ).
We are located:
Rua Rodrigues Pacheco 101 - Centro - Near Samaritano Hospital
Av . Prudente de Moraes 231 - Vila Nova - In front of Pão de Açucar market.
If you have a dental emergency here in Sorocaba or in Itu,
Call now at (15) 99145 8802 (Sorocaba) (11) 99618 - 4988 ( Itu ).
Traumatic dental injuries often occur in accidents or sports-related injuries. Chipped teeth account for the majority of all dental injuries. Dislodged or knocked-out teeth are examples of less frequent, but more severe injuries. Treatment depends on the type, location and severity of each injury. Any dental injury, even if apparently mild, requires examination by a dentist or an endodontist immediately. Sometimes, neighboring teeth suffer an additional, unnoticed injury that will only be detected by a thorough dental exam. Endodontists are dentists who specialize in treating traumatic dental injuries. With their advanced skills, techniques and technologies they can often save injured teeth. If you have a cracked or injured tooth, find an endodontist near you right away!
What is endodontic treatment?
Who performs endodontic treatment?
How will my injury be treated?
Do traumatic dental injuries differ in children?
Will the tooth need any special care or additional treatment?
What is endodontic treatment?

“Endo” is the Greek word for “inside” and “odont” is Greek for “tooth.” Endodontic treatment involves the inside of the tooth.
traumaticinjuries00To understand endodontic treatment, it helps to know something about the anatomy of the tooth. Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, and creates the surrounding hard tissues of the tooth during development.
The pulp extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the roots where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. The pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and development. However, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp, because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.
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Who performs endodontic treatment?
All dentists, including your general dentist, received training in endodontic treatment in dental school. General dentists can perform endodontic procedures along with other dental procedures, but often they refer patients needing endodontic treatment to endodontists.
Endodontists are dentists with special training in endodontic procedures. They provide only endodontic services in their practices because they are specialists. To become specialists, they complete dental school and an additional two or more years of advanced training in endodontics. They perform routine as well as difficult and very complex endodontic procedures, including endodontic surgery. Endodontists are also experienced at finding the cause of oral and facial pain that has been difficult to diagnose.
How will my injury be treated?

Chipped or Fractured Teeth
traumaticinjuries01Most chipped or fractured tooth crowns can be repaired either by reattaching the broken piece or by placing a tooth-colored filling. If a significant portion of the tooth crown is broken off, an artificial crown or “cap” may be needed to restore the tooth.
If the pulp is exposed or damaged after a crown fracture, root canal treatment may be needed. These injuries require special attention. If breathing through your mouth or drinking cold fluids is painful, bite on clean, moist gauze or cloth to help relieve symptoms until reaching your dentist’s office. Never use topical oral pain medications (such as Anbesol®) or ointments, or place aspirin on the affected areas to eliminate pain symptoms.
Injuries in the back teeth often include fractured cusps, cracked teeth and the more serious split tooth. If cracks extend into the root, root canal treatment and a full coverage crown may be needed to restore function to the tooth. Split teeth may require extraction.
Dislodged (Luxated) Teeth

traumaticinjuries02During an injury, a tooth may be pushed sideways, out of or into its socket. Your endodontist or general dentist will reposition and stabilize your tooth. Root canal treatment is usually needed for permanent teeth that have been dislodged and should be started a few days following the injury. Medication such as calcium hydroxide may be put inside the tooth as part of the root canal treatment. A permanent root canal filling will be placed at a later date.
Children between seven and 12 years old may not need root canal treatment since their teeth are still developing. For those patients, an endodontist or dentist will monitor the healing carefully and intervene immediately if any unfavorable changes appear. Therefore, multiple follow-up appointments are likely to be needed. New research indicates that stem cells present in the pulps of young people can be stimulated to complete root growth and heal the pulp following injuries or infection.
Knocked-Out (Avulsed) Teeth

If a tooth is completely knocked out of your mouth, time is of the essence. See an endodontist or dentist immediately! Handled the knocked-out tooth very gently, avoiding touching the root surface and follow these steps to protect the tooth.
Your endodontist or dentist will carefully evaluate the tooth, place it back in its socket and examine you for any other dental and facial injuries. A stabilizing splint will be placed for a few weeks. Depending on the stage of root development, your dentist or endodontist may start root canal treatment a week or two later. A medication may be placed inside the tooth followed by a permanent root canal filling at a later date.
The length of time the tooth was out of the mouth and the way the tooth was stored before reaching the dentist influence the chances of saving the tooth. Again, immediate treatment is essential. Taking all these factors into account, your dentist or endodontist may discuss other treatment options with you.
Root Fractures

traumaticinjuries05A traumatic injury to the tooth may also result in a horizontal root fracture. The location of the fracture determines the long-term health of the tooth. If the fracture is close to the root tip, the chances for success are much better. However, the closer the fracture is to the gum line, the poorer the long-term success rate. Sometimes, stabilization with a splint is required for a period of time.
Do traumatic dental injuries differ in children?
Chipped primary (baby) teeth can be esthetically restored. Dislodged primary teeth can, in rare cases, be repositioned. However, primary teeth that have been knocked out typically should not be replanted. This is because the replantation of a knocked-out primary tooth may cause further and permanent damage to the underlying permanent tooth that is growing inside the bone.
Children’s permanent teeth that are not fully developed at the time of the injury need special attention and careful follow up, but not all of them will need root canal treatment. In an immature permanent tooth, the blood supply to the tooth and the presence of stem cells in the region may enable your dentist or endodontist to stimulate continued root growth.
Endodontists have the knowledge and skill to treat incompletely formed roots in children so that, in some instances, the roots can continue to develop. Endodontists will do all that is possible to save the natural tooth. These specialists are the logical source of information and expertise for children who are victims of dental trauma.
Will the tooth need any special care or additional treatment?
The nature of the injury, the length of time from injury to treatment, how your tooth was cared for after the injury and your body’s response all affect the long-term health of the tooth. Timely treatment is particularly important with dislodged or knocked-out teeth in order to prevent root resorption.
Resorption occurs when your body, through its own defense mechanisms, begins to reject your own tooth in response to the traumatic injury. Following the injury, you should return to your dentist or endodontist to have the tooth examined and/or treated at regular intervals for up to five years to ensure that root resorption is not occurring and that surrounding tissues continue to heal. It has to be noted that some types of resorption are untreatable.
If you have a dental emergency here in Sorocaba or in Itu,
Call now at (15) 99145 8802 (Sorocaba) (11) 99618 - 4988 ( Itu ).
We are located:
Rua Rodrigues Pacheco 101 - Centro - Near Samaritano Hospital
Av . Prudente de Moraes 231 - Vila Nova - In front of Pão de Açucar market.
Let the Holy Spirit Guide
1. Let the Holy Spirit guide;
Let him teach us what is true.
He will testify of Christ,
Light our minds with heaven's view.
Let him teach us what is true.
He will testify of Christ,
Light our minds with heaven's view.
2. Let the Holy Spirit guard;
Let his whisper govern choice.
He will lead us safely home
If we listen to his voice.
3. Let the Spirit heal our hearts
Thru his quiet, gentle pow'r.
May we purify our lives
To receive him hour by hour.
Text: Penelope Moody Allen, b. 1939.
(c) 1985 IRI.
Music: Martin Shaw, 1875-1958.
General Dentistry - Dental Emergency Dentist in Sorocaba and Itu , São Paulo - Brazil
Do you have a Toothache? or a Fractured tooth? or an Abscess?
If you have a dental emergency here in Sorocaba or in Itu,
Call now at (15) 99145 8802 (Sorocaba) (11) 99618 - 4988.
We are located:
Rua Rodrigues Pacheco 101 - Centro - Near Samaritano Hospital
See the map:
Av . Prudente de Moraes 231 - Vila Nova - In front of Pão de Açucar market.
See the map:
Emergencies seen promptly if you call us before.
If you're in pain, you'll be seen immediately during our office hours. Waiting for days or weeks is a thing of the past.
You'll NEVER leave our office in pain
We do our best to get you comfortable as fast as possible. Whether it's opening up a tooth to relieve pressure from an abscessed tooth, pain medication or just palliative care through temporary measure - we make sure something is done about your dental emergency.
We're available when you need us - Have your Dental Emergency taken care of before OR after Work Hours!
We understand with busy schedules of work and everyday life, it is hard taking time off to see the dentist. That's why we have early morning & late evening hours and Saturday appointments available to accomodate your busy schedules.
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